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Apple is an apple of the family Rosaceae, which is a deciduous tree. 

Apple has high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins, rich in calcium, which helps to metabolize excess salt in the body. Malic acid can metabolize calories and prevent lower body obesity.



Orange is the fruit of the orange tree of the genus Citrus, which originated in Southeast Asia. Orange trees are small trees. 

The fruit can be peeled and eaten with its flesh, and the flesh can be used as a seasoning or addition to other foods.



Bananas are musa plants of the genus Musa, widely grown in the tropics. Banana flavor and nutrient-rich.



Pineapple, tropical fruit, fruit quality, nutrient-rich, contains a lot of fructose, glucose, vitamin B, C, phosphorus, citric acid and protease.



Lychee, Sapindaceae, Lychee is an evergreen tree, about 10 meters high. 

The peel has scaly patches, bright red and purple. Mature to bright red; seeds are all wrapped in succulent arils. Flowering in spring, fruiting in summer. 

When the flesh is fresh, it is translucent and creamy, and it is delicious, but it is not resistant to storage.

1、banana香蕉:This is a bruised, painfully yellow, decaying banana. When I

found it, it was sitting shamefully at the top of a beautiful

crystal bowl filled with a colorful array of fruits.

2、cherry 樱桃: wood of any of various cherry trees especially the black cherry

3、coconut椰子:the edible white meat a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries

4、cumquat 金橘:any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella bearing small orange-colored edible fruits with thick sweet-flavored skin and sour pulp

5、fig无花果:a diagram or picture illustrating textual material

6、 mango芒果 :large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval smooth-skinned fruit

7、pineapple菠萝:a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated in the tropics

8、watermelon西瓜:large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp

9、pomegranate 石榴:shrub or small tree native to southwestern Asia having large red many-seeded fruit

10、strawberry草莓 :any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry


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